SETSenergoMeter Smart Metering System
SWH SETS and its partner SIA “Teliko” provide an integrated solution for the automatic remote reading of utility meters – heat, electricity, water, gas – and the processing of meter data.
Each meter is connected to a MET-BOX telemetry device, which acquires data through RS485, RS232, M-Bus or pulse inputs. Readings are transmitted through the mobile network using data compression and a special protocol via GPRS, SMS or USSD, ensuring operation even in areas with poor signal strength.
A dedicated Linux Meter Data Server receives the data through the mobile operator, and stores it in a MySQL database, allowing the accumulation of several year’s data. A web based application gives authorized local and remote clients access to manage the meters.
A separate Billing System Server with its own web based application connects to the Meter Data Server’s MySQL database to provide a comprehensive billing service. Other software applications may access the Meter Data Server’s database, ensuring flexibility for future enhancements.
The integrated solution leads to long term cost savings, ensures higher data reliability and faster invoicing. It gives automatic warnings of leakages and detects anomalies.
1. Telemetry device
- Data acquisition from meters via RS485, RS232, M-Bus or pulse inputs;
- Data is stored in internal memory;
- Internal battery ensures continuity in case of mains failure;
- Device has SIM card and can communicate using GPRS, SMS or USSD using data compression;
- Meter reading interval and transmission frequency configurable remotely;
- Custom data requests allow for immediate reading;
- Telemetry device supplied by SIA “Teliko”.
2. Meter Data Server
- Dedicated Linux server;
- Receives data from mobile service;
- Data stored in MySQL database;
- Several years’ data may be accumulated on server;
- Visualizes data in response to operator requests;
- Validates data;
- Detects meter problems and anomalous behavior; issues warnings;
- Supports custom communication with telemetry devices for custom data request or testing;
- Meter Data Server may be accessed by authorized local and remote clients.
3. Billing System Server
- Any platform which supports Java applications;
- Runs specialized Web application software;
- Reads data from MySQL database on Meter Data Server;
- Billing System Server may be accessed by authorized local and remote clients.
- Long term cost savings;
- Higher data reliability;
- Faster invoicing;
- Flexibility in data analysis;
- Automatic leakage and anomaly detection.
- SETSenergoMeter and SETSenergo is currently in use by Fortum (
- A number of utilities are in negotiations to implement SETSenergoMeter and SETSenergo.